Thursday, 18 February 2010


Ever since I was a wee nipper my inability to grasp even the basic concept of Sudoku has infuriated me.

When it popped into my head yesterday that I should try and learn I knew that this would be one of the more rewarding of my new experiences simply because its been such a burden on my life for such a long time.

So today I literally spent three hours working on a puzzle. I began by reading up on the art of Sudukoing and actually got off to a pretty good start.

I completed the entire centre block and truly thought that I had cracked it. Sadly this wasn't the case and my numbers got all jumbled and my brain started smoking.

I decided that I was probably more suited to the more novice versions of the puzzle and had a scout around on the Internet for something a little simpler.

I found a site and went for 'Easy Puzzle 1,209,156,495'. The board was still a challenge but I had a pleasant little cyber auto response person above my Sudoku puzzle who told me I was doing great; he made me happy.

I had to work this evening and so got to have a little breather from it; I got back about an hour ago and finished the last fifteen numbers really quickly.

The strange thing is that although I finished the bloody thing I'm not even that fussed. To be honest the whole ordeal felt very much like a three-hour maths lesson compacted into eighty-one stupid little squares.

I suppose at least it's done now and I can say that I defeated Sudoku gremlin all by myself, well almost I guess...

This one is dedicated to the pleasant little cyber auto response person from 'Easy Puzzle 1,209,156,495', thanks for always reminding me that everything was OK.

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