Monday, 1 March 2010


Whilst cooking pasta bakes for a nice and busy nursery school today I somehow set the fire alarms off.

I had been briefed on what to do in the event of a fire alarm and so followed procedures accordingly; I grabbed two babies tucked one underneath each arm and bolted for the car park.

Secretly I have been waiting for the day that this happened and this is actually on my experience wish  list (yes I have one).

I didn't do it on purpose or anything but I'm glad that I got the see the mayhem that unfurls when a fire alarm goes off in a nursery school.

The two babies that I had wedged under each pit really didn't seem too amused by the whole ordeal and I had to hand them over to someone more familiar once we got outside.

I apologized to everyone once the registers had been checked and we all went back in for some what was by then over cooked pasta bake.

Fuck I love my job!

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