Thursday, 18 March 2010


So this could very well be one of the nastiest and dirtiest things that I have ever been asked to make in a kitchen.

Don't get me wrong I love to bake but to merge a classic sponge pudding recipe with the unyielding powers of modern microwaving technology just seems down right immoral to me.

I struggle with technology at the best of times (unless it involves browsing pornography or writing on here) and so when at nursery today I was handed the recipe sheet for microwaveable sponges I nearly wretched in anger, fear and disgust.

Nonetheless I set my personal views on the whole thing aside and made five microwavable puddings. In the end they came out looking like foetus mixed with burnt jam and river other words bloody disgusting.

I've always been a firm believer in the idea that nothing cake based should ever take a mere four minutes and thirty seconds to bake even if it is microwaved and today I think I proved that point; the whole affair is simply not natural.

I can quite happily say that never again will I make sponges in a microwave, say what you will but I'm an oven lover at heart and always will be.

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