Saturday, 6 March 2010


So this experience is a little bit of a strange one but then again it's been a bit of a strange evening.

I woke up in the mopiest of moods not really wanting to do anything but then wanting to do everything at the same time; a new experience was last on my list of things for today.

So I get to work at three still experienceless and whilst "busying" myself on the office computer get this horoscope through.

It tells me to be "receptive to the idea that something doesn't have to be new to be fascinating" which I initially interpreted as perhaps suggesting I should either try and re-experience something or try and rediscover an old experience...something like that.

Anyway, at work recently I have been feeling a little out of my depth and like I'm really not what they had expected me to be like at all. I'm one of those people that if they have a downer on something they turn into one of those total retards who messes everything up even more.

Tonight however for the very first time out of nowhere came this surge of belief from within that I knew what I was doing and that I was quite capable of doing it.

I realized that I had experienced far more stressful shifts than the ones at the hotel and done a far better job and so I pulled my socks up and got to it!

Not one thing went wrong for me and my employers were dead impressed. At the end of the night they told me that I had proven myself and handed me a key to the front door.

So although this technically is a new experience in a way its more to do with harnessing the power of old experiences to achieve new ones if you see what I mean?

I know people will probably say it doesn't count and that its not new blah blah blah guff shut up, I think it does. This whole thing is about bettering myself through experience and that's exactly what I have done here so there.

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