Monday, 3 May 2010


I'd like to think that I am the sort of guy that likes to give new things a try (well duh).

When I'm stuck in one situation for a prolonged period (giggle) I get all tetchy and aggravated.

My solution for this is to turn off all brain transceivers that control my common sense receptors. I hand in my notice, book a plane ticket and commit to a brand spanking new experience before sensibleness comes back into play.

Basically its a quick fix for when I'm in one of my quarter life crisis moods.

The problem is that if I linger for too long the doubt begins to kick in as to whether it really is such a good idea, whether I can afford it and if I'm actually going to benefit from it in the slightest.

This had sort of happened whilst planning my latest escapade to the far off lands of Sierra Leone. I am obviously more than eager to go off and play with humpback whales for a month, it's just a plane ticket there costs a grand.

I've never paid one thousand buckaroos for anything in my entire life and to fork it over for my least popular form of transport ever made me feel quite nauseous.

The turning point though was after a drunken evening chatting to my brother Jack. I was rambling on about how if he really wanted to join a local archaeology society then he should bloody well do it (if there is one...hmm appears that there is).

To be honest I'm not sure if we were even talking about him joining such a society but regardless I interpreted his mumbled response as one of unsureness, lacking in confidence and doubt. That's why I kept on pushing because he was thinking too much about it all and this is when it dawned on me that what I was lecturing him about I really needed to apply to my own situation.

So bam, I got paid today and bought the ticket, done and the receptors haven't even kicked back in yet so it's all feeling rather lovely still.

And as for you Jack consider this dedication and link free admission to a life of blissfulness and exciting ancient relics (plus dino bones).

Love you brother x

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