Monday, 10 May 2010


As you can see I'm six days away from finishing up and tidying away my one hundred days project.

Although this blog is strenuous to write on the best of days, I've enjoyed it immensely and going to miss writing all my guff and garbage on here everyday.

However the show must go on as everyone seems to keep saying so I've decided to make a start on preparations for my next blog which I've codenamed "Project Parched"(look at me codenaming things, aren't I cool!?!).

I won't bore you with the details of what the whole thing is about just yet but today I needed to find a rough guesstimate of how much water I use in a day.

This basically entailed me jotting down every flush, splash, sprinkle and plop that related back to my own personal needs and requirements.

The results were rather shocking actually.

Dan in a day = 114 litres

What a tremendous amount of H2O to go through don't you think?

Although it was a pain to write down every time I went for a piddle or had a cuppa tea I would really recommend that others do this too for just one day.

It sort of puts things in perspective when you consider that some folk get by each day on the same amount of water it takes to flush the loo just once... mad I know.

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