Thursday, 13 May 2010


I first heard about I Ching interpretations when reading Rex Weyler's account on the coming together of Greenpeace.

They would use I Ching coins  and hexagrams to consult an eastern oracle on troubling or confusing matters.

Each hexagram has a reading to go with it, so once a question is asked and the hexagrams have been selected, an answer will be acquired or get a shove in the right direction at least.

Although I'm neither terribly spiritual or religious, I do get a kick out of taking advice from something that seems rather high and mighty, you know, like the weekly Take a Break horoscopes, that sort of thing.

Whether I take it or not is a different matter but in my eyes if I Ching is good enough for the Greenpeace boys then it's good enough for little ol' me.

Ahem, problem is I don't actually own an I Ching kit (talk about falling at the first hurdle).

What I do have though is the Internet and also a well worn in Amazon account.

As you read this I have my very own I Ching set on its way to me, but whilst I'm waiting I decided to do an online reading to achieve some up to date, high speed clarity about one thing in particular.

I decided to ask the oracle 'what's next with my writing?'.

See my problem is that before I started this blog I totally lacked the confidence to show anyone anything I'd written (itsy bit of a problem when your trying to get work published to the masses).

The thing is, set aside the horrendous grammatical errors that are splayed over each post I make, I actually like showing my writing off now.

So problem solved right?

Wrong, the only other real issue I have is that the idea of writing for a local paper about cake stalls and gnome burglars (well, maybe not the gnome burglars that actually sounds rather riveting) makes me want to dry wretch and perhaps even bring up a little bile in my mouth.

I want to write about the things that I have a passion for, I don't want to have to start out by making cups of tea for jumped up journalistic big wigs and covering car boot sales and baby beauty competitions, it just seems like a big waste.

So, what the oracle have to tell me about the future, actually some really quite interesting things.

My first hexagram was 'Hexagram 2, Earth'

From the source, creating success.
The constancy of a mare bears fruit.
A noble one has a direction to go.
At first, confusion. Later, gains a master.
Fruitful in the southwest, gaining partners.
In the northeast, losing partners.
Peaceful constancy brings good fortune.’

 Right, so now I'm just going to take a whole heap of snippets from the reading and interpret them in my own way.

'Creation unfolds from the original vital energy, creating success with an ongoing exchange between spirit and daily work, flowing through to fruition'

'And so at first there is confusion: you set out like a pioneer, open to all the possibilities, and find them as many as scattered rice-grains.'

'You gain someone or something to be loyal to, where you can find fulfilment in service. Once you have this guiding principle (which may or may not be a person), you begin to follow signs as fluently as the mare.'

'There is a balance to be found between joining with like-minded people and following your own calling alone – but gaining allies comes first. Perhaps your individual sense of purpose emerges more strongly when you’ve learned to work responsively with others, like the mare running with the herd.'

The way I read this tells me that there are so many pies that I want to stick my fingers in that the real purpose with my writing is vague and confused, which I agree with.

I can also see the emphasis for a need for guidance in order to being achieve my goals. Perhaps by working with others I'll be able to then follow my own true passions in writing, as it say's though 'gaining allies comes first'.

I suppose that by even working with others that are alike to myself I'm going to be furthering my individual loves and passions....deep.

My second one was 'Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm'

‘Enthusiasm in the dark.
Results bring a change of heart,
No mistake.’

Again, here a some snippets I've nabbed from the reading.

'The energetic charge of enthusiasm can be used to set great things in motion. It is good to use it to expand and enrich your experience by extending your network of communication and support, marshalling your resources ready for future challenges.  And it is also good to use such structures to channel the motive power of enthusiasm, and keep it from running amok. It's brightly coloured images can be woven securely into the larger patterns and meanings of life.'

I think this one nicely nestles in next to the first hexagram which sort of finds a balance my fears and what is reality.

I think what it's telling me is that on the one hand I need to mix with other journalists, get a job with a publication of some sort even if its not exactly what I have in mind for the larger picture but on t'other hand always remain focused and enthusiastic for what I personally like to garble on about.

A lot to ponder on here, now where's my pipe?

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