Wednesday, 5 May 2010


Yes, in a mere eight weeks time I should the first signs of my own little version of the shop of horrors, brilliant.

Me and my little brother Isaac created swamp like conditions with peat, water and 'swamp rocks' and then simply scattered the seeds all over the top.

Next thing we had to do was put it in the fridge where it has to stay for eight weeks now to go through a process called stratification, STRAT - IF - FA - CAY - SHOON yes.

The problem is that because of the tub it's in and the color and texture of the peat soil mixture it highly resembles one of those Sarah Lee chocolate gateaus, you know, the ones that poor people and pregnant women always eat?

I'm not pregnant but I am a little bit poor so whenever I open the fridge I get real excited to see it in there only to then realize that it's actually just mud in a tub.

Anyway back to the experience, we went for the three classic meat eating plants: the Venus Fly Trap, the Cape Sundew Trap and another one I forget the name of.

It was gardening with a twist (I'd like to use the term extreme gardening here) and I hope they come out of stratification ready to eat some things and keep me entertained for endless hours.

1 comment:

  1. a lil tip... do not tease the venus fly trap n keep poking it to watch it close up, it kills it... as i found out :-S
