Tuesday 9 March 2010


Today at the nursery one of the carers brought a little boy into the kitchen, he'd had a nasty tumble and there was a big old bump/gash on his forehead.

Strangely though the kid wasn't crying and in an effort to seem wise and worldly I said, "ooh it's when they don't cry that you need to start fretting." So she turns round to me whilst continuing to fumble around for a cold compress in my just tidied fridge and tells me that he has never cried, that he doesn't and that he can't.

Apparently this poor little chap is having lots of tests to figure out whats wrong with him and it shocked me, shocked me to the core.

I was telling the chef about it this evening in the restaurant and we came to the conclusion that perhaps he couldn't feel pain because he was a blossoming super hero. What with everything they put in the water these days this is perfectly logical explanation, plus this kid has a particularly widely set face (seriously his eyes are practically on the sides of his head) which I've heard indicates mutated gene patterns of some sort?

Regardless of whether or not he is bearing superhuman qualities it's not everyday you meet someone that can't cry. I hope that he is does turn out to be a hero and that maybe he would consider me as a sidekick or caterer perhaps.

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